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2 - 30 TON RANGE

Compact design and remote oil separator & filter makes the RotoVane RC series compressor very versatile in its applications and installation configurations


Patented carbon fiber Vanes


High strength to weight ratio


Floating Rotor and self centering bearings

Remote Oil filter and separator set up

Heavy duty bellows mechanical seal


Pressure Plate - Vents Liquid Slugs


RC450 RC280 RC140
Maximum discharge pressure (Bar g) 24 24 24
Maximum discharge temperature (°C) 100 100 100
Maximum speed (rpm) 4000 4000 4000
Minimum speed (rpm) 800 800 800
Length (mm) 319 283 240
Width (mm) 264 217 217
Height (mm) 197 180 180
Shaft diameter (mm) 32 25 25
Weight (kg) 41 25.5 20
Connection size - Suction 41 mm 25 mm 25 mm
Connection size - Discharge 35 mm 21.5 mm 21.5 mm


@ 5/55 °C, 20°C Superheat, 0 Subcooling Low

  Capacity Power Mass Flow
  (kW) (kW) (kg/s)
SIZE (Btu/hr) (hp) (lb/m)
  1800prm 3600rpm 1800prm 3600rpm 1800prm 3600rpm
RC450A 26.1 52.1 9.4 18.9 0.19 0.37
88900 177800 12.7 25.3 24.6 49.1
RC450B 21.0 42.0 7.8 15.7 0.15 0.30
       71,600 143200 10.5 21.0 19.8 39.6
RC280A 15.8 31.6 6.0 12.0 0.11 0.23
       53,900 107700 8.0 16.1 15.0 30.1
RC280B 13.5 27.0 5.2 10.4 0.10 0.19
46000 92000 7.0 13.9 12.7 25.3
RC280C 10.3 20.6 4.1 8.1 0.07 0.14
35100 70200 5.4 10.9 9.5 19.0
RC140A 8.0 16.1 3.0 6.1 0.06 0.12
27400 54800 4.1 8.2 7.9 15.8


@ 5/55 °C, 20°C Superheat, 0 Subcooling Low

  Capacity Power Mass Flow
  (kW) (kW) (kg/s)
SIZE (Btu/hr) (hp) (lb/m)
  1800prm 3600rpm 1800prm 3600rpm 1800prm 3600rpm
RC450A 40.4 80.9 13.8 27.6 0.27 0.54
137900 275900 18.5 37.0 35.6 71.3
RC450B 31.6 63.1 11.2 22.4 0.21 0.42
107700 215400 15.0 30.0 27.7 55.4
RC280A 23.6 47.2 8.8 17.5 0.16 0.31
80500 161100 11.7 23.5 20.6 41.2
RC280B 21.5 42.9 7.7 15.4 0.14 0.29
73300 146500 10.3 20.6 19.0 38.0
RC280C 15.8 31.6 5.9 11.8 0.10 0.20
53900 107700 7.9 15.8 13.5 26.9
RC140A 12.5 24.9 4.3 8.7 0.08 0.17
42500 85000 5.8 11.6 11.1 22.2

Corresponding Frick Model Numbers to

RotoVane RC Model Numbers

Corresponding Rotocold Model Numbers to

RotoVane RC Model Numbers

Frick RotoVane Rotocold RotoVane
RVC102 RC450A R7 RC450A
RVC82 RC450B R7.1 RC450A
RVC60 RC280A R8 RC450A
RVC55 RC280B R8.1 RC450A
RVC44 RC280C R7.5 RC450B
RVC32 RC140A R8.5 RC450B

For other model number please contact Jotek at:

Jotek Info

R5 RC280A
R5.1 RC280A
R6 RC280A
R6.1 RC280A
R5.3 RC280B
R6.3 RC280B
R5.2 RC280C
R6.2 RC280C
R3 RC140A
R3.1 RC140A
R4 RC140A
R4.1 RC140A



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